Media studies

I, Daniel Blake Film CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
You can find a number of INFORGRAPHIC BUNDLE deals below:
* 8x INFOGRAPHIC BUNDLE - Magazines, Advertising, Film and Apple Beats CSPs
5x INFOGRAPHIC BUNDLE - Magazine and Advertising CSPs
3x INFOGRAPHIC BUNDLE - All Advertising CSPs
This infographic is designed to cover the main area of Industry for the I, Daniel Blake film CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Marketing and Film Festivals
Industry Evolution
Film Fact File
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the Reveal magazine CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

Advertising CSP INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET Bundle - AQA Media Studies
These INFOGRAPHIC POSTERs and REVISION SHEETs cover all three advertising Close Study Products from the AQA Media Studies GCSE:
Galaxy Chocolate
NHS Represent Ft. Lady Leshurr
They are designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but they are not comprehensive.
This bundle includes 3 A3 full-colour posters as well as print-ready versions to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographics cover the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Narrative Theory
Media Language Analysis
Representation Anlaysis
Please contact us with any feedback or requests for future products. I intend to complete the full set of CSPs for AQA in the coming months.

NHS Represent Ft Leshurr Advertising CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the NHS Give Blood, Represent Ft Lady Leshurr advertising CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Narrative structure
Media Language and Representation anlaysis
Also available as a bundle with the other Advertising CSPs!

This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the OMO washing powder advertising CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
Look out for future bundles of my infographics!

Galaxy Chocolate Advertising CSP - INFOGRAPHIC POSTER and REVISION SHEET - AQA Media Studies
This infographic is designed to cover the main areas of Media Language and Representation for the Galaxy Chocolate ‘Chauffeur’ advertising CSP for the AQA GCSE Media Studies.
It is designed to provide a visually engaging revision tool of many of the key areas of the curriculum, but it is not comprehensive.
It includes an A3 full-colour poster as well as a print-ready version to be printed as a personal revision sheet.
The infographic covers the following areas of the curriculum:
Genre conventions
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
Propp’s characters
Media Language and Representation Anlaysis
This is the first of a number of infographics that I will publish over the next few months and will be bundled in the future. Enjoy!